2022 Activities Recap

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2022 Events Activities | 2022 Social Media

Bob Cassiliano

Bob Cassiliano
President & CEO

Business Information
Services, Inc. and
Chairman & CEO

7×24 Exchange International

Listen to the Podcast Here:

Brought to you by
Mission Critical Magazine

Chris Crosby

Chris Crosby
Chief Executive Officer
Compass Datacenters

Episode 42: International Data Center Day 2022

This year’s International Data Center Day celebration takes place on March 23. Find out how you can participate and inspire the next generation of data center professionals from Bob Cassiliano — chairman and CEO of 7×24 Exchange Intl., the organization behind International Data Center Day — and Chris Crosby, founder and CEO of Compass Datacenters.

Program Header

Mentoring Program

Working in the Cloud: Preparing for a Data Center Career Replay

Spotlight on Mentoring

Hearing first-hand what it’s like to work in a data center from experienced professionals can help encourage anyone who might be interested in a mission critical career to give it a try.

In addition, provided more information about 7×24 Exchange’s free mentoring program. The program is intended for anyone with an interest in becoming a mentor or receiving FREE mentoring opportunities related to a career in data centers. 

Nolan Coloring

This is Nolan from Toronto. Nolan’s mommy is on the board for 7×24 Canada. The children in Nolan’s preschool class were told about data centers and colored in pictures about them.

Career TreeInteractive Career Tree

We made our Career Tree Interactive to provide site visitors with more details about working in the data center industry.

Data Center Guide for Students

The 7×24 Exchange Greater Washington DC Chapter created a What is a Data Center Video aimed at middle and high school students.

Can’t see the video? Be sure to accept all cookies in your Cookie Preferences.

Code Green Initiative

Our media sponsor, Mission Critical Magazine’s Editor In Chief, Amy Al-Katib dyed her hair green as part of their Code Green initiative.

Can’t see the video? Be sure to accept all cookies in your Cookie Preferences.

Need Ideas for Your Event?

There are many ways to participate …

  • Power of One
  • Host a Virtual Tour of your data Center
  • Become a Sponsor
  • Post a banner on your site or social media
  • Proclamation declaration 

Past Activities

April 28

The Metro New York Chapter of 7×24 Exchange held their Annual University Challenge on Thursday April 28th.   This year was once again a virtual meeting which included four local schools presenting various topics related to technology and data centers.  Schools included Hofstra University,  Manhattan College, New York Institute of Technology, and Rutgers University.   Through the support of our Annual Sponsors as well as the proceeds from our Annual Golf outing,  we will provide the schools with funding for their engineering programs,  scholarships, and to start up their own Student Chapter of the 7×24 Exchange.   Each school will once again receive $5,000 and each student will receive $250 for participating.

March 30

We are excited to host a Spring Mixer with AFCOM and 7×24 Midwest to celebrate International Data Center Day!

Mark your Calendars for Wednesday March 30th from 3:00 pm -5:00 pm at EMCOR Services Fagan in Fairfax.

EMCOR Services Fagan
3125 Brinkerhoff Rd
Kansas City, Kansas 66115

See you all soon!

-WiMCO Board of Directors

March 23


Netrality had the pleasure of welcoming Delsea Regional High School, Liguori Academy, and Roman Catholic High School students into our Philadelphia data center at 401 N. Broad to celebrate International Data Center Day, powered by 7×24 Exchange International, on March 23rd

Students enjoyed a presentation from our very own, Wil Schultz, VP of Technology, Brooke Exley, Director of People Operations, guest speakers included Karl Miller from Kupper Engineering, LLC, and Melissa Raffel from ACE Mentor Program of Greater Philadelphia to raise awareness, educate, and inspire the next generation of talent about the data center industry. After the presentation, students took a tour of our facilities followed by a visit to our tenant Nerd Street Gamers, a national network of esports facilities and events dedicated to powering competitive opportunities for gamers. Students enjoyed a tour of the gaming floor along with some gameplay experience.   

Liguori Academy President and Founder, Michael Marrone, shared, “Partnering with Netrality provides an opportunity for our students to identify a career pathway that will help them utilize their technology and essential skills for success. Netrality is a faithful partner to our school who is helping form the next generation of tech leaders.

Students in Foyer
Students at Game
Students at Nerd Street

March 23

Florida Alabama Chapter Logo

The Florida Alabama Chapter had its first in-person event since February 2020. At the event, which took place at Ring Power, presenters talked about International Data Center Day and Workforce Development.


FLAL Celebrating
FLAL Audience
FLAL Meeting Room

March 23

DC Chapter Logo

Please join the 7×24 Exchange International Greater Washington DC Chapter for their first Wake up with WiMCO event in 2022!  We would like to take the opportunity to highlight International Data Center Day, share awareness of the positive benefits of the data center industry in our communities and inspire the next generation of talent.

March 23

Lake Michigan Logo

Please join the 7×24 Exchange International Lake Michigan Chapter for a celebration of International Data Center Day with their WiMCO group.

The chapter invites members to involve their children in this event and provides a coloring book page to help ignite conversations & curiosity of the data center industry.

March 23

Metro NY ChapterThe 7×24 Exchange Metro New York Chapter is celebrating International Data Center Day as part of its Scholarship Awards Celebration.

At the program, five local schools will receive scholarship funds for their programs.

More information is available on the chapter website.

March 24

CV Logo

Central Virginia 7×24 and VCU present: “2nd Annual International Data Center Day and Internship Kickoff Summer 2022 Celebration”

Join us on International Data Center Day on March 24th from 11am to 1pm at VCU Engineering Research Building, room 1313 (map).

Our Presentation will be from 11am -11:45am, followed by lunch. We hope to see you all very soon!

Parking is available across from the building in the university’s JL Parking Lot-200 West Cary Street.

Event Registration:

  • Members: Free
  • Non-members: $50 (If you are interested in joining us, get 20% off your annual membership!)

*Masks are required in all VCU buildings.

Need Ideas for Your Event?

There are many ways to participate in International Data Center Day…

  • Power of One
  • Host a Virtual Tour of your data Center
  • Becoming a Sponsor
  • Posting a banner on your site or social media
  • Proclamation declaration for International Data Center Day

March 23

Lulea logo

Luleå University of Technology

Industry development and innovation in the Swedish data center industry

More info (in swedish): https://www.ltu.se/centres/cdt/Branschutveckling-och-innovation-inom-svensk-datacenterindustri-1.217249

March 23

Data Center Young Professionals (Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia) Happy Hour

Sponsored by Whiting Turner

Where: Port City Brewery in Alexandria, VA

When: Wednesday, March 23rd

From 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Links to our Facebook Group (https://m.facebook.com/groups/2389409897861075/), LinkedIn Group (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12621004), and Website (https://sites.google.com/corp/view/dc-dmv-young-professionals/)! Google Calendar event can be found on our website.

Join us for an informal networking happy hour to celebrate International Data Center Day!

Have you ever walked into a room full of Data Center professionals and wished you recognized a few familiar faces amongst the sea of established relationships and the industry experts? The Data Center Young Professionals of DMV is here to help! By creating the environment with other folks who have this same experience, our goal is to establish a network of young professionals in the mission critical industry who can walk into a DC event with confidence and support.

March 23-25

DCD>Management & Operations: Exploring mission critical operational technology and strategy

In celebration of International Data Center Day, DCD is broadcasting 10 new episodes of their hit series DCD>Management & Operations. Free-to-view for the entire industry, the broadcast will help you benchmark your performance against top management & operations teams from Microsoft, Nokia, QTS Data Centers, Equinix, Royal HaskoningDHV, Kao Data, Colt Data Centre Services and many more.

Plus, experts in emerging technologies & trends will share future-proof strategies to help you minimize downtime and reduce human error in the face of new challenges such as cyber attacks, supply-chain delays, safety threats & labor shortages.

March 1 – March 23


As a member of the Data Center Coalition (DCC), Aligned Data Centers is proud to partner with DCC and Loudoun County Economic Development to support the American Red Cross by participating in the DataCentersSleeveUp campaign.

The campaign begins on March 1, 2022, the first day of Red Cross month in the United States, and extends through International Data Center Day on March 23, 2022.

Aligned Data Centers recognizes the importance of ensuring adequate blood supply in the communities where our teams live and work, and in raising awareness of the need to address our current critical national blood shortage. We are proud to participate in this campaign, and to provide the Aligned Data Centers team with an opportunity to roll up our collective sleeves, join with others in the data center industry, and make an important contribution to the health and welfare of the communities we call home.

February 2 & 9


How to Get Involved

Data Centers: How to Get Involved

This presentation will cover topics such as:

  • What is the 7×24 Exchange Organization?
  • What is a Datacenter?
  • Who are some of the companies involved in the Datacenter Industry?
  • What Datacenter career and internship opportunities are available?

You will also hear from Datacenter veterans who will discuss:

  • How you can get involved with big tech companies in the industry such as Facebook, Netflix, Google, Amazon, Spotify, Bytedance and so many more!
  • How The 7×24 Exchange can help you start a new and exciting career by building your resume and making new connections within the industry.
  • How you can participate in our Virtual University Challenge, which awards each school and student for participating.
  • How you can receive help through scholarship opportunities.
  • How you can get funds to help start up a student 7×24 Chapter at your school.

Social Media

Be sure to show your support for International Data Center Day through Social Media. Don’t forget to tag us using #Intldatacenterday

Did You Know?

More data has been shared online in the past 2 years than all of previous human history!

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